Head Start Program Performance Standards 2010 Calendar

March 13-14, 2019 - ERSEA: A Deeper Dive Date: Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 Time: 8:30am Location: Sheraton Atlanta Hotel; Atlanta, GA Contact: ttas.register@wku.edu, 800-882-7482 Description: for details, agenda, and hotel information. UPDATE: Hotel discount rate deadline has been EXTENDED to February 28, 2019! Standard Registration: $400 T/TAS@Your Service: $375 - some restrictions apply 1.075 CEUs (10.75 contact hours) from Western Kentucky University: $25 ERSEA: A Deeper Dive is designed to go beyond the basics of Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance (ERSEA) in Head Start and identify how Head Start and Early Head Start Managers, Coordinators, Directors, and Family Services staff can utilize ERSEA fundamental knowledge, data, and resources to best support program needs. If your program is considering expanding the use of an eligibility category, increasing or decreasing the number of slots, converting slots, or other scenarios impacting ERSEA, you don’t want to miss this Institute. The increasing requirements and challenges of ERSEA staff and leadership—Full Enrollment Initiative, Pre-K prioritization, other preschool options—means that basic ERSEA knowledge and skills may not be enough to support program planning and decision-making. This training will build on the fundamentals of the Federal Regulations regarding Eligibility, Selection, Enrollment, Recruitment and Attendance in Head Start/Early Head Start introduced in Finding the Keys to ERSEA presented by WKU T/TAS. It is designed to help staff and leadership develop a better understanding of how to utilize ERSEA data and resources to support effective and innovative program planning.

ERSEA: A Deeper Dive supports experienced ERSEA staff and leadership, as well as those who have recently completed the Finding the Keys to ERSEA training. Specific areas addressed include identifying good data, analyzing data to provide a foundation for decision-making, considerations for enrolling families from the 101 to 130 percent of the poverty guidelines, and other considerations supporting program planning. ERSEA: A Deeper Dive is a full 2-day event for advanced review and discussion of Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment and Attendance. The training supports effective program planning by further exploring the interplay of data and data analysis in the administration of an effective ERSEA system.

Head Start Program Performance Standards Expanding Time for Learning and Healthy Development •Increased hours of service (by August 1) –By 2019, 50% of Head Start programs must provide 1,020 hours –By 2021, 100% of Head Start programs must provide 1,020 hours –By 2018, 100% of Early Head Start center-based. ECLKC Main Navigation. Office of Child Care. Head Start Program. Federal Register. Head Start Program Performance Standards Showcase. Presenting the New Head Start Program Performance Standards. Book Navigation. Part 1301—Program Governance Next. Historical Document.

Download naruto vs pain sub indo mp4. This event will also dedicate more time to formative discussion and activities which support program planning and implementation strategies. The Institute will be delivered in a relaxed, interactive setting combining small and large group activities.

Institute participants will receive the Finding the Keys to ERSEA workbook, which includes relevant regulations and other useful resources, as well as handouts supporting the activities and discussions covered in the training.