Patch Italiano Gothic 2 Maps
This very useful post lists the order for installing all the mods and patches to be able to play the game on modern systems. However, what would you do if you wanted to play the vanilla Gothic 2 (the so-called 'Classic' version)? There's this post to help you. But then what do you do if. Jan 16, 2015 - If this is the first time you are installing the patch you can just extract it to gothic II/system folder and run for it to update. If you are reinstalling it,.
Somehow I successfully avoided this game up until now but lately I’ve been getting into some of the older RPGs that I’ve missed and this just came up on my radar so I thought I’d give it a shot. Problem is, I don’t really know what to get, I looked over the guide that’s stickied on GOG forums but the renderer seems to be in alpha and the rest of the tweaks the guy’s recommending are kinda “up to you”, ie, community bugfix patch (?!).
So, does anyone have a recent experience with this game? I just need a list of stuff to get, I can figure out the instructions on my own. Thanks in advance. I’ve replayed it ca.
1.5 years ago, I think. Download exercise workouts. It’s still a very good game. Still hard and even slower early on in today’s context.
I’ve only used the standard renderer and some bugfix pack by the community which I don’t remember. There were no relevant technical issues. As Alistair already posted, World of Gothic is the go-to place. They have all the files and know which ones you need.
If you’ve never played the first 2 Gothics, do yourself a favor and avoid the most common newbie mistake: Don’t just try out the controls on your own. Whatever you want to do, try [LMB + forward], and if that doesn’t do what you want, come here and ask. This will save you a lot of time and frustration, because the controls are simple (and their documentation sucks).
The general advice is that the more you explore and the slower you play, the more fun you’re going to have. Piranha Bytes’ world design rewards careful exploration. You’ll find lots of scrolls. Don’t hesitate to use them.
Critters and humans are usually as dangerous as they look. So if you think you’re outgunned or there’s more than one, just run away and solve one of the other 20 open quests. Death awaits you 3 steps away from the roads, even at the very beginning. So save often and in different slots. Keep character development focused in the first two chapters.
Don’t play a mage on your first run through. Bateau: Are the controls really that arcane?
I’ve read a number of posts pointing this out since I started reading up on the game.[/quote] No, the controls are easy to understand. They are definitely non-intuitive though.
Fighting is an inversed shooter setup. You press [LMB or CTRL] and then choose between swing left / right, a full blow or a block with [CURSOR or ASDW].
Things look clumsy at first because you have to find a trainer and spend skill points even to learn the basics. Until then your char holds his sword like a stick and your time window for combos is very narrow.
Imagine you make a long left swing. If you keep holding the LMB and press the button for a right swing during the last 5% of the way, you continue with a right swing. Then you can try to add another left swing. Miss the window and your combo breaks and you lose the initiative.
In the beginning you are a weakling who doesn’t know shit, has crap equipment and no armour. You can expect a roughly 50% chance to kill a single scavenger - pretty much the easiest opponent. Two of them will tear you apart. Avoid groups until you know what you’re doing. 1 level-up, a slightly better weapon, a few hit points and a bit of STR will make a huge difference. And your first serious armour is a game changer.
Armour is a status symbol. One of the Gothic series’ key strengths is that you can literally feel how your char gets more powerful. For all other in-game interaction try [LMB] + [W or Forward]. This should cover inventory, all dialogs, cooking, etc. Save before trying to sell stuff for the first time!