Cthulhu Investigators Companion Pdf

The Investigator Handbook is an expansion of the main rulebook. It contains optional extras like more occupations. It is not required for play, and the rules are redundant with the main rulebook.

A collection of 1920s occupations and skills, plus essays for the investigator. This game is also contained in The 1920s Investigator's Companion. Game Editions. STEALING CTHULHU. Konstantinos Liolios (order #5565906) STEALING CTHULHU GRAHAM WALMSLEY With art by JENNIFER RODGERS Cover art by OLLI HIHNALA Edited by HARRIET EVANS. But give the Investigators some weirdness to attact their attention. It need not be a dramatic hook, but give them enough to intrigue them.

It's closest analogy is the. It added options and setting for the player, but was completely superfluous. With the old IH and the new one, you need it because it has the full list of occupations, and the experience packages, which add a lot.

That said, as you say, you can just get it in PDF. I printed several copies of the character gen, occupation list and very useful combat and sanity rule summaries for my players. If you want something that will really add some new optional rules, buy the excellent, available only in PDF as of this time. It adds a number of optional rules that can be used in any CoC game, mainly things that make PCs stronger and more survivable -- especially useful if, like me, you have a small number of players and you don't want them all to die immediately. The Investigator Handbook is an expansion of the main rulebook. It contains optional extras like more occupations. It is not required for play, and the rules are redundant with the main rulebook.

Cthulhu Investigators Companion Pdf

It's closest analogy is the. It added options and setting for the player, but was completely superfluous. With the old IH and the new one, you need it because it has the full list of occupations, and the experience packages, which add a lot. As I've pointed out in, the 7th-edition contains all 28 occupations that were included in previous editions' core rulebooks. So you don't need the additional 84 occupations from the any more than you needed the added occupations from, a book that many groups did without. I do think the Investigator Handbook is worth having, myself, but I concur with Chad that it's not necessary for play, unlike the Keeper Rulebook.

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Having finally gotten my books I can chime in further. The Investigator Handbook is not a must-have. It is WAY cool and well worth investing in. It has loads of terrific material in it. But it can be lived without. The Keeper Rulebook is all you actually need.

For me personally, I simply 'had' to have both and I'm glad I pulled the trigger on both. For those less fanatical than me, you can go with just the one book.

If you like the game as much as I do, you might well find the Investigator Handbook calling your name.

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