Download Rotor Gene 6000 Software Companies
All Products Services Software Training Applications Companies News Articles Books Magazines Events. Available for application on Rotor-Gene ® 3000/6000/Q. Starting material: Human plasma and serum. Detection principle: real-time PCR (TaqMan ®) Downloads related to this product RoboGene EBV DNA Quantification Kit - Brochure; Customer. I was wondering if there was any lab currently using the Rotor Gene 6000 machine to measure telomere length as there is no one in my lab that knows how to. Game maker blood splatter particles in water.
The RoboGene ® EBV DNA Quantification Kit is an amplification test for quantification of EBV DNA in human plasma or serum samples. Quantitation standard consists of 8 tubes coated with given amounts of synthetic EBV DNA, which must be amplified in parallel. A synthetic internal control is included via Extraction tubes to control DNA extraction and to indicate for inhibitory effect on detection. Amplification of EBV DNA in samples and standards and of IC DNA is measured independently at different wavelengths due to probes labelling with different fluorescence reporter dyes (EBV DNA: FAM channel, IC DNA: Yakima Yellow channel).
For sample preparation the ”INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit” (Analytik Jena) is recommended. For final elution of filter bound DNA the use of 60 µl of elution buffer is suggested. • — External link • Most popular related searches • • • • • • • • • •.